Why should it be any "intrigue by Russia, more people than earlier (not)/no longer/less peope believing the Western media e.g. to the Corona-topic, than before, but rather an increase currently in the Russian ? And "that e.g. "currently-used Western-vaczines weren't any/not/not that much any effective, maybe some even saying, even being harmful?"... And "That some of the politician wanted only a quite-longer/long lockdown?", "to try to increase their inlfuence and/or with/for the big partner companies/cooperations/monopol firms, and big pharma, and building up a mass surveillance sturcture" ? -- In my opinion, no, Russia is not the cause of thoe worries in quir-some-counts of people's mind.Wwhy? Well if it was/is the case due to Russia, to be fair, it was not by Russia alone, maybe also/maybe even mainly by the opponent leaders here by themelves...? If you don't want mass surveillance, and situation-misues for polical-oppurtunity, you need to also show on your side/region, becuase if you do (not), if you only show to complain about others, but quitre some people also get knowledge/recognizing bad/worse situation, other oppenent-countries/industries, still principially have to do nothing, the bad situations here for some people still can be experienced in real life here. Of course Russia could use those reports abput bad things, to help to spread what people don't like here, but bad longer-enholding bad-examples from government on more people, still makes more people tjhan before, still makes Western politcians seen as a/ bad example/s by the people in their region. So whether or not Russia is helping informing/speading the eperiences, there still can get a higher number of people with bad experiences, and oif more people got more-often negative new memories with government here, so Russia is not automatically the essantial original part. E.g. ealier bad eamples form the West, how they treat whistleblowers, still doing oppositse what saying, if that was happenunng too often, not to get/stay hidden enougn, not to be overseen by enough people, the possibility-rate gets higher, to lose more trust, Russia has nothing to do with that (meaing sitaution here). In Russia there might still be disappointed opinion abouit the leaders there, I don't know if not or if. But speaking for skeptical views, I cannot think off Russia being the real origin main/source of more "rebellic"/ Demo-crouds with own point of view spectrum, certainly in my view, Russia is not the push-starter, no, just nore peole more people than before getting more directly in contact, with ongoings and "signs"/results/rules of handlings/doings of government politcians, if their rules just start to get nerving, no-nd-up i view,, and if more and more... I think Russia at best, is (also) along others (mabye also China) supporting the critical movement, spreading their message, OK you could argue "that they were helping accelerate spreading critical thoughts", it's clear they accelerate-against artifiacially-slowed-down rertings about bad ecperiences the MSN woukd do. It's not any difficult/not much doing behind for anyone if really willing to help agains extremly-slowed-down news-reports, so opposite-information spread, where more people just ffelt teted more respectfully, opposition news of any source principially, just spreading new/other views, just to com in faster into "battle"/diskussion field of differen point of views and sides faster anyway. Well also if it was true the critics to be right, why should Russia not help the siappointed people, if the goverment is provoking them by themselvesm why can Russia still have an interest helping people. Well of course this can be used for their influence, it's possible the russian government saw that as an adavanteage for them, do dount, but it does not automatically mean, that all of whichever of supporters, did it on purpose all the time. Well anayway e.g. it's a side-effect, the people disappointed by themselves, to feel to get support which the leaders here don't. So it's no "magic", that people like getting emergency/rescuing-feeling-support, if they felt in a too weak position, Russian media was only offering support for now, but the media here doesn't support against the frustration phase, will they still have their job back if the hear to western media or Russian one? Well no no matter to who, correct? For affecte dpeople e.g. swirching into e.g. the Querdenken movement, the Russian media is just geiving support, if the MSM-media cencors played them and evryone against ervyone, anyway here, so aceppting support/inlfuence from e.g. Russian media, they have no other option to pick Russian media, and/or alternative news report sites which can stay tunt up, and if the critics have the impression they can represent themselves by the e.g. "Russia Today" here in Germany, outside of Russia, it automatically develops the cricital people to more trust russian media than western mediam, I think it's just subtil/somekind of "automatic" picking in. If the western media is not improving themselves, if more people are losing the situaton and safeness, the people automatically will just ask more questions about media situation here, this has nothing to do with Russia mainly. Toomuch off.reports from self-watche sitautions from western tellings, western media just can on itself on longer run, 'like in the soccers game', nothing more, nothing less. So if the are more and more Corona-restirktiions ans delayed logisitcs here, but nothing improves the long to wait out the situation, whereas putside Germany/EU it's quite better, allthough people there do not take care more securitx measures like here, also no more, mayne even less with vaczines, so I think nothing to wonder, why they feel understood better e.g. by Russia than from the goverment here (Germany). If people assualted Russia along with the Western Media, nothing does helps them, still the industry here/is not helped with, to get the job's of people back. --- It will help them more, if the more alarmed people know/knew what the problem was, it cannot/will nor help them to complain about people, they don't have to do with, they don't get to know. --- Is the West doing too much with bad less/worst useful vaccination?? In my opinion, it can be watched, that beside that those maybe sometimes might have helped a bit, it doesn't guarantee for how much people and if, for how long, because to know that, more people need to get in contact with Corona viruses, and in case this was not the case, people cannot make genuine-enough sentences, how effective/secure those vacizne s were egainst Corona and against unwanted byeffects, compared without vaczines! -- If the statements fron the "Querdenken" movement was correct, which the pharma and MSM Media are targeting, if the Querdeken critica should be correct, that most people don't get Corona-symptoms by their natural immunity, or by a young more-fit-more intereactive immune system even with more of less cross-immunity, well you cannot be certain if it's from vaccination or natural immunity, if you also caccinate those people. But in the past it has shown, and the "Uniclinic Tübingen could confirm, that full and less-full but partly-T-cell-immunity helped for all patients with also SARS-Cov2 survived without any hospitalic/medical treatment and without any of wilder complications. So I keep it open now, that more cases are reported with maybe due to Corona, it's becuase more people which were e.g. vaccinated, got in contact with Corona, just since shorted time show if more people those vaczines would help how much or not enough. If certain people died without vaczination from Corona, to be sure if the vaczines would have helped on those, you also have needed themselves as a 2nd group, how it would react with the vacination. As this hasn't happended, you don't get specific data about more-less-effectivity by these genetic stuff. If you vaccinate many/most people, and many show bad symptoms, and say it "helped at least for death", you still cannot be sure, as you need to test them without those the vaczines as well, if it fails, protect them in an emrgency situation with fast enough with overall-good-confirmed-tested-medicine-substances, an then retry in the future with a hard-look-changed Corona sample, now with the vaccination, and or checking on people with similar genetics and similar cross immunity, how it will effect them with and without the vaczines. If some Western media pretends to have that made, verify that it was not again, just a passed-along-through message from an known source, getting from an further unknow origin etc, so such message either maybe invented/or just passed further along, it (might) be not automatically reliable. E.g. if they tell from Israel and Britain first started with much vaczination-threw, and here the new delta-varaints and bad/worse symptoms reported, but nothing about the sort of vacczinazion, not any diagnose/autopsis, no asking about the vacizne-behaviors/effect on different people, whre they started vaczining people quite more than here, and there they report the fastest about bad symotm s and say "it had to do with missing vaccination f more people" well for me such statements suspicious then. If I hear from people who want the vaccination, and say that they know of someone "who died from Coreona", but they don't tell orthey don't know if the dead person was vaccinated or not,or I ave to ask exclusivelxy for that, buzt there were relly several dead-cases directly-short after caccination, it makes me suspicious from who they got the innformation, who was the source. It should be be clear also to thoe who agreee with the politics, that there are people, for whom it's importsant to differencate between accinated and not, wheter they dy from Corona or not! If those don't care for this, at least I know they have not informed themselves so much in the "alternative" media (meaning not so much outside of the main channels/main-territorium -populating mass media (MSN) -- there is certainly also still cases with serious damage known, even death, certainly with the vaccination, sometimes due to the vaccines, because sudden deaths while in environment no one óf the people were ill, but after aso them getting them vaczines, same thing to them, directly after some of the people, who took those gen-technic-substrates. So I cannot included the vaczination from helping, while their supporters say that they would do/do more... Afaik, the Western media is excluding this in their reports, about vaccine damages and by them caused death. If Russia also did/does that, I haven't looked up. Primarily I have concentrated on here, if that was the case with Russia, too, we cannot complain about them, if we don't make it better, maybe even worse... I keep it open, yes, that the West was doing at least bad vaccination. And I feel tried getting forced by those playerd, me to take such ones with more-coming-up-plans and/or discussion/introduction more restriction to made, for people net being "convinced"/influence enough to take those doses. They use active genetic mRNA/DNA-probes (Astra Zenica active-DNA-vaccination), which not only changes DNA in the host cell and reduces their life), the thing is, they heve same issue principially with mRNA production, also on longer time, as the DNA stays in the cell core against degredation, as long the cell is not targeted by the immunse system. Like the mRNA-vaczines, also with the Astra-Zenica-Vaczine it will produces mRMA via Protein-Bio-synthesis. The time of the production of the mRNA is a bit time-shifted, compared to the mRNA vaczines, so if in short there had been reported less bad effects in the first weeks for example, which cannot be collected in the vacinze center, it is possible, that if there were more bad symptoms with Astra Zeneca, that they reported and deaths asscociated with Corona, and not with the vaczine itself, you might know why, and why there were maybe in more cases, faster bad side effects shown by the mRNA vaczines that with Astra Zenica. In the longer run, the same problem might occur with the active DNA-vaczines... The Atsra Zencia, Curateck, Biontech/Pfizer and Moderna, some others, they are all doing with active-infectious-penetetrating-genetic-mateial, which changes cellar activity ona look, unfortunately only focused on very few variety of different Corona-Virus-Spike-Proteins from so many diffent Corona-Virus-Spike/variants, maybe not only the mutations from ealier and later, also too less properties e.g. like with a virus currently in contact (real Corona-Virus infection, druing vaczinatiuon, see issues below) contact Key word: Antibody dependent immune "enhancement" (hightened immune response), resulting from a in some cases (e.g. people with less crossover-natural-immunity - protecting from unwanted Gen-vaccination bad/very bad/worse side effect (people which their immunse system has not learnt suffiecient from common/and or similar properties within several Corona-Virus-Variant) not-protecting from (non-neutralisiin-enough antibodies) triggered by the insuficient-schablone of those vaczines, which can help in certain circumstances, help to infect host cells (a still remaining enogh-movability from the Virus, host-cell-Antobody-Virus-connection) (Thre is not enough area/surface muffled of e.g. a certian Corona-virus-sample by the antibody, because e.g. in case there was not ennough cross imunity before and during the vaczination, because the vaccination just brings up very-low-specialised-antibodies which cannot hold wider surface of the virus), it can help to infect host cells. The mRNA-vaccination (longered durability due to Poly-Adenierung at the end of the mRNA like-same-shemata with the ends of the chromosmes, the Telomers making them more stable against DNA-degaration), same principle goes with the artificial mRNA, at least they know how to stabilisize the mRNA with longer mRNA-Nucleotid-ending stabilisizers, vaczinated host cell, it makes (same) external spike protein particels to "provoke" to magnify the immune system to produce anti particles for that. The problem is/might be, that the vaccinated cells might als get those spike particles on the cell-membran on it itself, and this might make higher possibility, for people with less cross-immunty, that there now really non-neutralising antibodies, because a missing cross-immunity, it cannot add all the corona-spike-specfic-look, because there is too much missing in the vaccination, and this helps non-neutralising antibodies to get into higher infectinous actions, between the virus and any of vaccinated host cells. So this makes more problems with more (real virus production), more mutation, more delta/espislon/anyway those kind of endloss variantes over the time enayway, now faster more or less diferent kinds of variants and more virus-antibody-escape on those dangered people to corona (e.g. to less cross immunity on young people with wekaened immune syste. eg. due to bad and not enough food, bad housing-environment, bad environment, bad work), so if those people with too few cross-immunity, if they got such-like-gen-(active)-vaczines, if those now got into contact faster new sorts of Corona-samples, along older people whose immune system is also weakened, so infection-increase in certain cases (as just mentioned), auto immune deseases if it all gets worse etc, and a resulting increased, more possible too high immune-system-response from the innate immunse system (like the less specific young-"childish" ISS) (auto-immune-desease), eg. which rather more can lead to blood-vessel deseases, more uncontrollered immune reacting, than the specific one, with the specfiic antibody poroduction, with much less of those dangers, than also like those blood-vessel-blockage/s risks, too much blood clotting, brain strokes, rain bleadings, lung emobolies, heart disease attacks, heart muscle tissue damages etc... so probably much more often cases-counts due to such-like vakzines with death, and at least damages to organs, than if not vaccinnated with those things. The bad-side-account might be higher actually, as the bad side effect quantity is not collected properly/missed off/ too much being ignored. --- A vaczines might help in some cases coincidently, but there are also opposite cases. That Info/warning/"assamption", "lie" or "conspiracy theory", or whatever, I got from "Science with Dr. Dough", some for me just logical easily-though derivals from that story, I just added. So at least still there were still als quite bad impacts, quite directly after active-gene-vaccination. There were also report (according) to Western, that many people without taking geteic-vacs would have died, eg. in Britain (and Israel?), if I'm correct. Well if that had been the case especially there, afaik Israel and Britain first one of the first one with starting DNA- and RNA vacs, compared to other countries. --- Some people say a DNA-vaczination cannot be worse than an infection, because a DNA-virus is also changing the DNA. First afaik people who were vaczinated against DNA-Viruses, they got either inactive virus and/or in weakened form with more surroundings og the real virus, and thse viruses mutate slower than Corona-Viruses. WIth Corona-Viruses, it's different, so it's different if you vaccinate poeple with weakened-Vektor-DNA-active vacizines against DNA-viruses, than if you do that with Corona Viruses (keyword from abobe "Antibody infection enhancing/enhacing" -- And in diffence to the influncea virus, people were/are getting also (in)active samples from influenca-viruses, and there is better-longer-development with influenca-vakzines, so not those new genetic techniques! -- The Sputnik vaccination, if the info is right, at least uses (in)active Adeno-viruses, so it does not get/and or much less easily into a cell, so it does not change cell-look, so the Sputnik vaccination might not increase so much risk of antibody-depedandant-infection-hightening, as those active genectic-"drugs", so in Sputnik-vaccination, "just" remains the bad-learning template from real viruses, so at least the the body cells are not adpated as well, just the antibody will not fit the virus very much, less problrematic as when, beacuse there is not a bad-Corona-look-vaccination-cell, (just those by bad B-and-cell-produced still-too-(in)specific antibodies).. -- So my conclusion. The Western Mainstream Median, including certain high-ranking politions are doing all on its onw, to look more "stupid", than how Russia was dealing/handling the things with the people. So I cannot agrer, that Russia, was making any caimpaign, which would be the cause, to be skeptic about the vaccination and making doubt in the politics, I think the West is provoking that (in-directly) by himself. Of course it might be that Russia might have that for their own purpose against the west, but (in my ipiunion) I think this purpose is not a cread by intrige from Russia), it might be the West (I think it is), which might give Russia an advantage. -- Why is Putin/Russia also self-developing a Corona Vaccine? Well why not? The EU and USA is developing their own vaccines, and Russian dusn#t trust them, they have higher gauranty that they wre good, if the have control over their own production. Another thing ist: If Russia did not develope a Corona-Vaccine, the West would use that that, to target Russia, that they were not caring about their people, (not avaoiding with avoiding some harmful Corona-cases, ) So why should Russia not develope their own vaczine? Is is due to Corona (and all so bad), and or might it be possible, that primarily also to protect against bad-news-propaganda about it (see shortly above)? So with also developing an own vaczine in any case they cannot go wrong, as such angriff vector agianst Russia is avoidable. --- If the West complains about Sputnik Vaczination being worse than theirs, it's still lower-aggression-opportuniy against Russia, than if they did not care for making any vaczine. -- So this means, still if e.g. if ("even Russia China and Russia are also making Corona vakzines", it does not automatically comfirm/mean, that Corona was an averall-pandemic virus. I can't say how much with fully guarantee, I rather to concentrate on, how to get safer+more effective vaccines against corona. in case of the case. Keep in mind trhere might also be other medicines, when in an bit-more-acute Corona-state, where are studies to lower death and heavy-damage-risk about high percentage (e.g. 90%) of the cases which get bad Corona-symptoms. So 90% percent higher survival chance, it relates as a part of a part of all humans, which get worse/worst Corona symptoms. So if e.g. death rate without proper treatement was e.g. 0.1 percent, certain suitable cllasical good-known natural medicine stuff might lower that 0.1 death risk by further 90%: 0,5% * (1-90%) ==>0.5% *100/100 -90/100 ==>0,5% *(10/10 - 9/10) ==>0,5% * 1/10 ==>0,05% ==>(5/100)% ==>5/10000 death risk ==>5 from 10000 people die after proper medication ==>1/2000 people die after proper mediaction ==>(in comparison 5 of 1000 people (1/200) without medicine) --- So keep in mind, that lowing death risk factor by 90% with proper vaccination, does not mean 100% death risk with Corona, and lowing that by 90% ("as if 10 % (1/10) of 100% death risk)... no it means from e.g. 1/200 death risk, lowering that by furth 9/10, with proper passive-vaccination, natural substances, proper healt care dealing e.g. EMCI xogen therpaie for those acute cases) <=and instead of that plastic-intubing-vantilators which attracts bacteria, multiresitent pathogens as well etc, and those devices damaging the lungs on their own. So a proper tratement, ... it means lowering certain risk count by further percaintage (e.g. 90% according to several internatiuonal studies, including Isreal, Canada!) also without any of those pre-appllied autogenous medical injections !